Comparing yourself to others? Creates Motivation?

“Can Comparing Yourself to Others Fuel Motivation?”

Unveiling the Secret to Motivation: A Guide for the 95%!

Discover the key to motivation that 95% of individuals worldwide swear by! By the end of this post, I’ll reveal the person you should truly be comparing yourself to. While many suggest self-comparison, I’m here to provide you with practical solutions that work. Let’s dive in and kickstart your journey to motivation!

Embracing Success: Beyond Comparisons and Short-Term Trends

It’s a common practice for many to seek motivation through comparison, motivational videos, and viral challenges on social media. The allure of a 90-day challenge or trending videos may provide a fleeting burst of inspiration, but the reality is that 97.5% of individuals won’t see these tasks through, and 70% won’t last beyond a couple of weeks.

In my pursuit of consistent self-improvement, I turned away from these temporary fixes and delved into the sustained efforts of successful individuals. Let’s explore each avenue of self-improvement that goes beyond fleeting trends and offers a more enduring path to personal growth.

Simple Steps to a Successful Routine: Building Habits That Stick

  1. Take Notes and Be Honest:
    • Jot down thoughts genuinely as you begin your task.
  2. Start with the ‘Why’:
    • Understand why creating this habit is important.
  3. Define Your Goal:
    • Envision the result you want to achieve.
  4. Minimum Achievement for Satisfaction:
    • Determine the smallest success that makes you happy.
  5. Beat Unmotivation with Breaks:
    • Decide how long a break you can take when feeling unmotivated.
  6. Measure Success at Checkpoints:
    • Use regular checkpoints to evaluate your progress.
  7. Plan Breaks Mindfully:
    • Consider how breaks impact your progress each day.
  8. Answer Clearly and Create a Planner:
    • Clearly answer these questions and make a monthly planner.
  9. Track Progress Regularly:
    • Note progress and analyze it weekly, monthly, and quarterly.
  10. No Need for External Motivation:
    • Understand you can’t always be motivated from outside.
  11. Treat It as Your Duty:
    • Approach the task as your duty and responsibility.
  12. Rely on Routine, Not Motivation:
    • Like brushing teeth, make it a routine, not a constant search for motivation.

Feel free to share your goals in the comments, and we can begin this journey together. I’ll personally check in after a month to discuss your progress.

In an upcoming post, I’ll share insights on who you can compare yourself to for inspiration.

Consistency is key, and I’ve been diligently working on my book for the past few months. Check it out – I appreciate your support! Thanks.

Contact me:

Instagram: Krish_Hari
